1) Go to “Research Area” link on the website to know about core areas/theme of journal.
2) Prepare/edit your manuscript as per “Template”. See template file given in 'download' section oft the website.
3) If you are not from English speaking country, please do perform English checking from an expert.
4) Template should be strictly followed to avoid manuscript rejection.
5) Submit paper to mail id submitpaper[at]cttspublication[dot]com in document format along with scanned copy of duly filled covering letter.
6) Wait for acceptance. Peer review process may take 3-15 days processing time.
Review System of Current Trends in Technology and Sciences
We have adopted Peer Review System followed by Post Publication Review.
Peer Review System based on approach adopted by the other reputed journals such as BioMed Central.
“Ahead of Publication” section is also introduced so that all papers approved by reviewers are kept online in open access for “Post Publication Review” by the readers till the launch of the issue.
Upon receipt of acceptance confirmation mail please complete following information/documents.
Submit duly filled scanned copy of copy right agreement form (find it at 'download' ink on website).
Article processing fee deposit receipt from bank bearing acceptance reference no. on bottom (Article processing fee details are given at 'downloads/Processing charges form'
link on website ) -
Submit final paper at submitpaper[at]cttspublication[dot]com in document format with Paper Reference Code.
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