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**Call for Papers Volume 12, Issue 06, December 2023



Curr Trends Tech Sci follows publication ethics during each and every phase of online publication in line with the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to avoid any malpractices by all concerned including authors, reviewers, editors and publishers. The following guidelines are given hereunder:

1.  For Journal:

Review system: The Current Trends in Technology and Science follows scholarly peer review to ensure standards of quality, improve performance, and offer credibility. All manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal employ double blind scholarly peer review system followed by post publication review. Peer review system is based on approach adopted by the many reputed journal. All reviewed and modified paper after acceptance is kept online in open access for post publication review in the ahead of publication section. Thus any one can send another recommandations for the manuscripts till the launch of the issue.

Plagiarism is not allowed in any way thus an inhouse plagiarism check is always performed as a manuscript submitted for the publication to the Curr Trends Tech Sci before it is transferred to the reviewers.

2.  For authors:

Originality: Plagiarism is not acceptable in any form. All articles submitted to Curr Trends Tech Sci should be original. If an author is using a matter from another source, it should be cited properly and the reference should be given as per format.

Repeatation: Same manuscript in multiple journals is not entertained. The authors should clearly mention and guarantee in cover latter that submitted manuscript is not submitted or under publication anywhere else. Curr Trends Tech Sci will not publish article resemble with articles published in other journals.

Proper Referencing and acknowledgement: All articles submitted to Curr Trends Tech Sci should have a relevant reference list of articles.  Authors should acknowledge the works that influenced the author’s work. If the author is using information gathered privately, such information should be used only after proper permission from the source is obtained.

Technical and Financial Support: The author also should acknowledge clearly the technical and financial support taken during the work.

Co-Authorship: All authors who have made a significant contribution to the article should be included as co-authors.  An inclusion of people who do not contribute in the co-author list is inappropriate and will not be tolerated. All co-authors should sign a copyright transfer form before the final publication can take place. 

3.  For reviewers:

A two tier review system is in place to offer best publication practice in open access model. Curr Trends Tech Sci has adopted open peer review system followed by post publication review. Open peer review system (reveals reviewers’ identities to the authors but not put in public domain) is based on approach adopted by the many reputed journal. All reviewed and modified paper after acceptance is kept online in open access for post publication review in the ahead of publication section. Thus any one can send a second review for the manuscripts till the launch of the issue.

Reviewers should be well qualified in their field of practice and review within time limit. They follow review guidelines and are fair and impartial during review and should not use/disclose information related to manuscript to any other. Their review report should not use any insulting or abusive word. Reviewer should report conflict of interest if any.

4.  For Editors:

The editor-in-chief of Curr Trends Tech Sci has the authority to make final decision in the acceptance and rejection of a submitted article. She/he should do so after reviewing the submitted reviews of paper and consulting others editorial board members when appropriate in a fair and an impartial manner. The editor-in-chief should not use prejudice/bias of any kind against the author during the review process. The editor-in-chief or any member of the editorial board should not have any conflict of interest with respect to the article under consideration. When an error is detected, the editor-in-chief should notify publication of correction or apology.

5.  Publishing ethics issues:

The editor-in-chief with the editorial board should maintain high levels of intellectual and ethical standards, without the interference of business needs. Guidelines for retraction of an article as discussed above should be followed. The editor-in-chief should be willing to publish corrections and apologies as appropriate. The editor-in-chief should ensure that plagiarism and fraudulent data are not tolerated as mentioned above.

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