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**Call for Papers Volume 12, Issue 06, December 2023



Author : Dr. M Raja Sekar
[ Volume No.:VI, Issue No.IV-July 2017] [Page No : 734-738] [2017]

the use of parallel processors to solve mathematical and numerical problems is growing rapidly from the past few decades. In this study, we designed a methodology that solves many mathematical and numerical problems with high computational speed. In many real time or real life applications very often we need to perform a lot of numerical computations, which may range from matrix multiplication, polynomial interpolation, solving polynomial equations, solving system of equations and so on. We consider the use of parallel processors to solve some numerical problems, namely Lagrange interpolation and polynomial root finding. The experiments were conducted on the financial dataset obtained from publicly available AWS database. We tested proposed algorithms on two different models of parallel processors and achieve the performance of O (log n).

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