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**Call for Papers Volume 12, Issue 06, December 2023



Author : Kamala Shankar Yadav, Prof. Dharmendra Kumar Singh
[ Volume No.:VIII, Issue No.IV-July 2019] [Page No : 915-919] [2019]

Wi-max stands for worldwide ability of microwave access. Together with the development of mobile communication and broadband technology, WiMax has become a hot spot for world medium operators and makers. WiMax guarantees to deliver the web throughout the world, and connect the long distance of broadband wireless property services. WiMAX can provide broadband wireless access at information rates of multiple Mbit/s to the end-user and at intervals a spread of many kilometers. a similar radio technology also will provide high-speed information services to all or any mobile terminals (laptops, PDAs, etc.) with AN optimized exchange between output and coverage. Ultimately, it'll modify the "Portable Internet" usage replicating on the move a similar user expertise as reception or at the workplace. Given its large advantages, WiMAX can develop as a robust radio access answer with several integration synergies in mobile or fixed specification. WiMAX also will modify end-users to profit from AN "Always Best Connected" expertise once accessing their applications via the simplest available network, at home, on the pause, or on the move. Projected technique improving SNR and min BER.

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