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**Call for Papers Volume 12, Issue 06, December 2023



Author : Payman Goli
[ Special \\\"9thSASTech-2015, Iran\\\"-2015] [Page No : 25-28] [2015]

In this paper a new method for license plate detection for Iranian car plate based on color image processing is presented. In this approach, blue region in image of car plate are identified and then the location of plate is detected in image of car. The format of color image is converted to HLS format to apply the image processing. To identify blue region of car plate a Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN) has been used. After the identifying the blue region, to detect the plate location in car image the length to width ratio of plate is applied. Since proposed method is based on color image processing instead of the plate boundaries to determine the location of plate, is very vulnerable against the deformation of edge plate and flexible against the similar part of car, such as radiator region. Our proposed algorithm was implemented based on RGB and HLS color format and the results show significant correct location detection score in HLS format.

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