Author : K.m. Pandey, Virendra Kumar, Prateek Srivastava [ Volume No. : I Issue No. : II - Sept. 2012] [Page No : 84-91] [2012]
Supersonic flows associated with missiles, aircraft, missile engine intake and rocket nozzles are often steady. The shape of the nozzle geometry is increasingly attractive in heating, ventilation and air conditioning applications. The objective of the present work is to simulate and understand Supersonic flows with twin free jet Flow at various Mach numbers. The purpose is to precisely understand the fluid dynamics and variation of flow properties such as velocity, pressure and turbulence in supersonic flow regime for various Mach numbers (1.74, 2, and 3), pressure ratio and dimensionless spacing (B) between two jets. Twin jets flow, generated by two identical parallel axi-symmetric nozzles, has been numerically investigated by FLUENT software. The Mach number at the nozzle exit is observed to be less in comparison with designed value. This is due to the viscosity and turbulence in fluid near the wall of the duct. The Mach number decreases due to shock wave and reversible flow. The results show that the twin jets attract each other. The jet flow field and the merging process of two jets vary with dimension less spacing between two jets. The width of the twin jet’s flow spreads linearly downstream and grows with dimension less spacing. The merging between two jets occurs at the location closer to the nozzle exit for the cases with smaller spacing between nozzles.
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