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**Call for Papers Volume 12, Issue 06, December 2023



Author : Shanti Rathore, Dr. M. R. Khan
[ Volume No.:VI, Issue No.I-Jan 2017] [Page No : 693-696] [2017]

in this research we proposed the security in ANT Optimized based multipath congestion routing performance. The scenario of DDoS is simulated and examines their effect in dynamic network. The multipath protocol like AOMDV is balance the load by providing alternative path but not proficient at every condition. The DDoS attacker is blocking the entire possible path in network by flooding huge amount of redundant packets in dynamic network. The attacker is the intermediate node and this attacker infection is continuously dispersing infection and the entire network performance is dumped. The proposed security scheme is identified attacker and their loss effect. Attacker is fully disabled by proposed security mechanism and their loss is also evaluated. The proposed method is not only detecting but also prevent network from DDoS attack. The performance of security scheme and attack is measured in three different scenarios of different node densities. The proposed scheme is provides attacker free routing and recover network performance after applying it. The performance of ANT OPTIMIZED and security is almost equal. The packets receiving, throughput, and PDR are enhancing but the loss of packets and unnecessary flooding is reduced in dynamic network.

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