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**Call for Papers Volume 12, Issue 06, December 2023



Author : Saurabh Kumar Sahu, Ritesh Diwan, Dr. Manoj Kumar Nigam
[ Volume No.:VIII, Issue No.III-May 2019] [Page No : 907-910] [2019]

Distributed generation (DG) is associate degree rising construct within the electricity sector, that represents sensible alternatives for electricity offer rather than the normal centralized power generation construct. This paper presents the essential principles of integration distributed generation technologies in low voltage networks and notably focuses on the social science of DC installations and therefore the impact that DC could wear voltage management resulting in improved power quality. Power system operation is extremely difficult from system security, reliableness and potency points of read. The demand of electrical power is increasing continuously and existing power system networks are very complex, large scale, centralized and far from load centers to make energy supply to all customers must be continuously stable and reliable. Integrated distributed generation and existing power systems are capable of supporting energy security, such as during peak demand or power shortages. However it also has some disadvantages. In this study, IEEE-14 bus network, the impact of connecting DG to the Distribution Network (DN) was studied. The simulation results shown indicate disturbances in the power system with the integration of distributed generation.

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